We all have experiences where unsafe environments - at home, at work, in life - impacted us in profound ways. These experiences, often untold, have the power to save someone's life. By building the skills to share our experiences through storytelling, we're able to inspire (vs mandate) workplace safety behaviors. The practice of storytelling also helps create a culture where individuals feel more closely connected to the safety of others and contributes to a service-based environment where caretaking, collaboration, and teamwork thrive.
Patrick Nelson, founder, Loyalty Point Leadership, will present "What's Your Safety Story?" for the Orrville Area Safety Council Webinar, January 13, 2021.
This would be a great program for CEO's, senior corporate leaders, EHS professionals and human resources to attend. This is a free webinar provided by the Orrville Area Safety Council in partnership with the Orrville Area Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio Bureau of Worker's Compensation Division of Safety and Hygiene.