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  • Participants will be able to independently identify physical characteristics of bed bugs including anatomy and stage of the life cycle, as well as feeding habits.
  • Participants will examine the biology of bed bugs and interpret how their biology creates a challenge for pest control.
  • Participants will evaluate the role businesses must take to deal with bed bugs in the workplace.

    The resurgence in the bed bug population throughout the United States is largely due to a lack of modern-day research and the innate behavioral and physical structure of bed bugs. This presentation will focus on facts not fears related to bed bugs. It will explore bed bug anatomy and the numerous biological factors that impact the effectiveness of pest control and the impact bed bugs have on local businesses.


    • Courtney Myers (Distrtict Programs Coordinator at Stark County Health Department)

      Courtney Myers

      Distrtict Programs Coordinator at Stark County Health Department

      More Information


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