President at C Biggs And Associates
Cindy is an accomplished certified leadership and executive coach, trainer, and mentor with 25 years of experience being a CEO, Vice President of Integration and Innovation navigating a 5-way merger, and Vice President of Organization Development.
Since 2012, she has worked full time at her own business, C. Biggs and Associates, a consulting firm specializing in leadership and supervisor development, strengths -based leadership, and emotional intelligence. She also conducts SEEBIGG! leadership retreats.
Cindy is the recipient of the first Leadership Wooster Alumni Award, Athena Award, and Women of Achievement Award in Wooster, Tribute to Women in Business award in Mansfield, and Grassroots Honoree for the Ohio League of Women Voters. Cindy received a fellowship to work with the national League of Women Voters in Washington, DC, and served as an intern for Family Planning International Assistance in Guyana, South America. She also worked with the Family Planning Association leaders in Trinidad and Tobago.
As a volunteer, she has done support group coaching for clients at One Eighty, the local integrated health system that offers domestic violence services. Cindy has worked with local women leaders in Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras to help meet their leadership development needs through CAMO, a local non-profit that provides Central America Medical Outreach and community development work. She was on the founding board of the Viola Startzman Free Clinic in Wooster. She currently is a volunteer executive coach for women in the Ethical Coach program through the WILD Network, coaching women in global development sector leadership roles. Cindy has also been a coach for the Women for Change coaching community. She is a former and current President and Candidate’s Night moderator for the League of Women Voters of Wayne County.
Cindy grew up in Hartville and Akron, Ohio and graduated from the University of Akron with a BA, magna cum laude. She took Master’s level coursework in Education at the University of Akron and MBA coursework at Ashland University.
She lives in Wooster, Ohio with her husband, Jeff, and spends lots of time at their 100-acre farm/log home in Howard, Ohio. She is an outdoors woman who loves to hike, do yoga, lift weights, and be in the water.