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Friday, June 7, 2024 (8:30 AM - 3:00 PM) (EDT)

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The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences - Welcome Center

2122 Williams Road
Wooster, Ohio

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We hope you'll join us for the 3rd Annual Networking Empowers Women Mini Conference!

Friday, June 7, 2024

8:30 AM - 3:00 PM

Kim Sayers, Director, Business Training & Educational Services

Leading in Boots or Heels: Walking in your own confident, authentic brand

It takes balanced footwork to walk in your own confident, authentic brand. Stepping through the maze of being brave, building credibility, and presenting yourself as a leader can feel a bit like hiking in stilettos or swimming in boots. Take a walk with Kim as we consider the impact of the messages we send and empower one another to lead with confidence and the authenticity of our personal brands.

Julie Kastner, Vice President of Human Resources & Training at Wayne Savings Community Bank

"At what point will they figure out, I am not good enough?"

If you have ever experienced that feeling of dread that comes over you when you've taken on a new role, received a stretch assignment, or volunteered to take a project on, this might be a good time to explore this phenomenon. Imposter Syndrome is a real, undermining issue for many of us, and often women. We'll explore the research, tap into our own inner thought narratives, and discuss coping strategies to connect you with the capable, fierce, and confident version of yourself that's waiting for your moment to shine.

Christy Haidet, Senior Manager of Internal Communications at The J.M. Smucker Co

Career Transitions: Pivoting reinventing and thriving in new roles

She will discuss non-linear career paths, including her own unconventional career journey, and the importance of professional agility.

Lynette Mattson, Freelance Writer

Leveraging Strengths and Building Resilience

In today's dynamic and demanding work environments, women face unique challenges that can impact their mental health and overall wellbeing. She will provide practical strategies and tools for women in the workforce to proactively manage stress and thrive both personally and professionally. She will discuss forms of stress, and strategies for proactive stress management, including leveraging our strengths and building resilience.

